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Not very christmassy but...

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NoMercy | 22:33 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
What are your most striking or unusual features/attributes/talents?

I have very distinctive handwriting, very long eye lashes, an incredible sense of smell and the ability to blind test wine and say precisely which country/grape it is...

How about you?


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You didn't escape the poetry, maggie......
Always tell the truth 'cos cannot remember what I said last time
My eyelashes are my striking thing too Nom. People often ask if I'm wearing faslies and are surprised when I proudly proclaim they are au naturel. It's not great when all you have to go by is your eye lashes though. :(
I really don't have any. I can't do anything exceptionally well and none of my features are distinctively different. It's not false modesty either, I'm just not outstanding at anything or unusual in the way I look... I is just me innit :c)
That is why we love you, cos you is you xxx
:-D xx

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Not very christmassy but...

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