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Whats your new years tipple Answerbankers?

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Teddy_boy | 19:04 Fri 30th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I will be imbibing in a few dark rums and the odd can of bitter myself.


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Lime and tonic water....or Appletize.....I might even have some water.
Bitter from a can...not for me thanks..Give me real Beer,not chemicals ;-)
Going to a friends, he says he has plenty of Gin and Tonic in. That's me sorted then.
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If i had Bitter on draught at home i would never go out.
Make mine a few bitters, with a single malt (Laphroigh preferably) - just @ the bells. Slàinte mhòr agad - Cheers!
large vodka and a small Sprite for a mixer, you can keep your champagne drank it for years but now gives me wind[poor old dear] and wine doesnt bother me either but I am partial to a Gold Label barley wine beer but only at home too strong to drink out and remain a lady.
Happy New Year to all A/Bers
Dee xx
Absolut and coke or tequila shots with salt and lime :)

We usually make punch for parties which consists of any alcoholic drinks in the vicinity mixed with various fruit juices and some lemonade.. as more people arrive a swig of whatever they bring will be added to the bowl as well!
Some pints of Hobgoblin at The Bull and then some very elderly Caol Ila malt at home :)
I will probably be asleep at midnight (assuming the local fireworks dont wake me up) so probably tea around 9.30 ish
G n T, red and white with dinner, Champers for midnight, then DRY January, as always!
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Fireworks do seem to be ever more popular with the unemployed at new year.Well in our area it seems anyway.
there are too many places that have fireworks to go around individually asking them their working status'
Sekt - German sparkling wine. I have six bottles of rose in the car boot (not point in taking them out after I bought them as they're coming with me to the party tomoorow. My bed is booked for the night.

On the subject of fireworks, New Year's Eve is fireworks night here. The British Health and Safety police would go nuts. People let them off in the street, near cars, no safety rules at all.
Probably some bubbles and red wine. Usually is.
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Surely shell suits and fireworks are a dangerous combination? Perhaps a ban on selling said explosives to people wearing skip hats might help?
Meeting Mr Bailey and Mr Disaronno later!
Veuve Clicquot
Lemon and lime flavoured water, red wine, white wine, water, milk, diet coke, tea, tea suprise.

*What's tea suprise?*

That's tea without water, sugar, milk or tea.
lol @ shell suits, does anyone even wear them anymore?

they were so early 90s!
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Seems Barry in wales is a hotspot for them " Thugs and muttish women dressed in flimsy shellsuits. They have watery blue eyes(this is a result of generations of eating processed orange food ie. fishfingers, beans, orange squash etc.) The pubs are sh*t and mostly dangerous, populated by criminals or stuck up ars*holes, accordingly. I left a few years ago and since then my quality of life has improved dramatically. "
Anyone on Answerbank from Barry?
Allegedly its a bit of a tip.


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