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rozia | 23:42 Fri 30th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
you got me hooked on Abba it!!!!


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I always liked Abba, they are easy to sing to even if you are tone-deaf, and nice to watch.
I love Abba but they make me sad... :(
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Know what you mean erin, Chiquita makes me feel a bit weepy.
When I was a teenager it was seriously uncool to like Abba. Everyone was into punk and reggae. Liking Abba was akin to liking the Three Degrees. Its funny how times change. Popular radio stations will probably be playing Abba in 20 years time. I wonder if they will be playing modern crap such as Katy Perry, Lady GaGa? I don`t think so.
See my previous thread
Forget the film version from Mamma Mia, this is very moving. You will cry if you have kids (or even if they are all grown up now) x

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