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AB swear filter - bizarre!

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mrs_overall | 23:42 Fri 30th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
88 Answers
In a post I typed a word beginning with "T" that rhymes with dosser, and it came out as "Salad Chef".


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↑ agree.

And good night.
I'm sure that it's technically possible, Mark, but it would probably give AB's techies a major headache working out how it could be done!

As has been said many times before, moderators see exactly what everyone else does on their screens, with the exception of a couple of extra buttons when they click on a member's profile:
What`s Mangetout a substitute for on the AB swear filter? (I was caught out with that one)
> but it would probably give AB's techies a major headache working out how it could be done!

I disagree completely! In my professional opinion (having made my living as a web application developer for the last 15 years or so), it would be very little work indeed...
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having spent the last 10 years looking after the sort of environment he'd have to work round :)... I'd tend to disagree too.
Something like this, in fact:
If AB is built on an easily avialable template it's very difficult for Site admins to get to source data. I "own" two sites and help mod another one is easy to administer properly because "we" built it with a forum add on that we have full control over, the other two can be difficult because we don't have that level of control
Modding on ANY forum/Chat site like this can be a nightmare!

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AB swear filter - bizarre!

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