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What will become of the people on housing benefits who are no longer able...

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sandyRoe | 14:39 Mon 02nd Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
to find the rents Rachmann landlords are demanding?


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ps, tambo, my 3 year old grandson has just copied the hand signal in your avatar. I am now trying to explain to him why he shouldn't. lol
The present DHSS tenant has submitted the contract to HB but I know she works part-time & her bf subs her.
oooops daffy, should I change it - lol
Only if you want to change it, my grandson will forget about it soon enough... I hope :)
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Her gain is mine RH. Am pointing out that all landlords are not akin Rachmann
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Tamborine, I wasn't suggesting that all landlords were Rachmanns. But the one charging £2000 a week rent for a modest house in suburban London must come close.
Wow £2000 a week ....£104,000 a year
I would need to earn £200,000 a year to get £100,000 after tax.
I suggest the bankers go on benefits when the bonus pot runs out.

Amazing ....No wonder I have to pay so much tax.

£100 grand a year ....Wow

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What will become of the people on housing benefits who are no longer able...

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