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have you lost track of days

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emmie | 08:46 Tue 03rd Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
i seem to have completely lost my sense of day, convinced that it's wednesday, even looking at the calender and yesterdays paper to see it's still only tuesday, which i find rather disconcerting, perhaps it's the illness that has plagued me since early december, or a long bank holiday where days merge into one.


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Probably the long holiday. It has seemed to me like a very long week of dull Sundays.
Feeling no better, Em10?
Yes...completely lost track of time. I sent someone an email this morning and had to get the calender up to check what day I was talking about.
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SR, not much, and now left with soggy cough, sort of wheezing and my back hurts too.
I too have to think what day it is. It is a good job we did not lose a day like they did on that island between New Zealand and Aussie. Samos I think the name. Now that would have completely put me out.I would never have caught up. lol
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i had a look on line to check, how daft..
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would that be samoa...
That's it.
I too am having problems em of which day of the week it is - roll on next week hopefully back to normal.
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Brenden, normal if only...
You will em, last year hubby and I had a virus that lasted 14 weeks cannot relate how ill we were - but it eventually went, so chin up take it one day at a time and go with your body - sleep when needs be. x
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Brenden, 14 weeks and i would be out for the count, bad enough 4, spoilt the bank holiday completely...
em, our biggest problem was lack of sleep we both felt as though we could have slept for a month - and of course that constant hacking cough which felt as though we had broken every rib. Hope things improve for you very soon.
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Brenden, the cough was the worse part, no sleep makes everything look so awful, and still unwell. Have asked the surgery if the the doctor can ring me to ask about test results, see what that shows if anything..

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have you lost track of days

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