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i´ve just checked my flight booking for the 25th november..

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piggynose | 17:18 Fri 14th Oct 2011 | Travel
21 Answers
and my name has been misprinted. its an ongoing problem i´ve had for ages with this pc. the words if not checked are mis spelt!! eg i might have wanted to put my name down as mr smith, but mr ithsm was put down instead.
when i went to the ryanair page, and looked at changing the name they wanted to charge me 110 quid!!
is there a simple solution?


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I mistyped the return date of my flight. I rand the CS number and the lady was onlt too pleased to change the date for "only" a £24 admin fee! Much better than the £100 they requested on the web! (if they'd have said "No" it was only a 50 quid flight so would have been cheaper just to have ordered another for the correct date and then rip up the wrongly dated one!)

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i´ve just checked my flight booking for the 25th november..

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