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music magpie

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pdust | 12:48 Wed 04th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
as anyone used this? Im having a clear out and decided to get rid of all my cds seeing as i dont listen to em anymore


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Hi pdust, I had a look at their prices when I cleared out my collection of cd s. I tried REO Speedwagon and was offered 30 pence . I declined the offer !
You'd be better off selecting a few sought after or rare CDs from your collection and selling them on ebay and giving the rest to a charity shop or similar... in my opinion Music Magpie is a lot of effort for not much return...
Same here flumpy, the vast majority were 30p, one i got £3.00 for mind you! But my reasoning is, what's the alternative? Bin 'em and get nowt? Rather have a piddling amount than bugger all.
Re my previous post... then sell the CD cabinets on ebay as well...
I put all mine on my iPod when I got it and gave them to local charity shops. If they can get 50p apiece for them, then that does some good. That's probably enough to feed an endangered tiger for a minute and a half.
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oh i never saw that boo lol ta...... hmmm dont think i will get much for mine then they are all punk and thrashy stuff

lol flump :)

I work a couple of days at a charity shop snags and keep saying Im going to take them in but we dont seem to sell many cds and the ones we do sell seem to be chart type stuff so mine would sit there forever probably

hope that tigers a fast eater jno ;)
Punk and thrashy stuff may sell better on ebay as a bit of a niche market...
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thinking about it snags that would be a lot easier and take up less time as i can just make a list for my mate and put them on his account :)
Offer them as 'job lots'... by artist or genre perhaps...
jno, seems unfair. if you had handed that tiger the 50p yourself in person, its meal would have lasted much longer.
pmsl Ankou!
I'd pay 50p to see that...
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haha at the tiger :)

oh good idea snags... i think i'll do just that thanks :)

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