do keep going back and annoying dr's until you find someone who will sort it. contact any specialists you may be 'under' currently, if not your gp tomorrow. insist on an urgent referral/appointment as it may be indicative of an underlying problem which no-one has yet detected (but try not to worry - concentrate on getting an answer at the moment). it is not acceptable to be bandied around several departments with an 'i don't know' and shoved off their books. i had to throw a complete tantrum in a pain clinic for help over and above paracetamol when i was virtually crippled with pain for 8 months and nobody did anything to help. ok, they still don't know what's wrong with me, but i am now seeing my gp regularly and rheumatology as well. i will get to the bottom of my own mess and you also need to take control of yours. be strong and push for your basic right of prompt, appropriate and 'joined-up' health care and treatment asap. make sure that the dr's know how this is affecting you mentally as well as physically as this is also important and you don't want to leave this rumbling on and having complications creep in (such as anxiety, depression, relationship issues - and it does sound like things are a serious problem for you already. get fighting and good luck to you. let us know how things are going and perhaps we can offer more advice and support. you can also contact your local health provider's complaints body to support you in accessing treatment too and more help. good luck sweetie x