Em - you could be me talking. I feel just the same, its one thing after another - as soon as I feel a little better and think its going, it comes back in a different form or place! Wretched sore throat No 2 now - got rid of No 1 the week before Cmas, and been coughing again this afternoon, please don't go there - nearly choked myself to death on Boxing Day! And the tiredness, yes, just the same Em, feel so weak and washed out, forced myself to go out in the car with Hubby to nearest town 16 miles away to take stuff back to Matalan, till receipt due to expire on Tuesday. Had a good sale on, but I felt so weak I couldn't stand there and look on the sale rails, took the clothes back, got refund and couldn't wait to get home again - only been out twice since Cmas Day. Like Mammar's comment about asking the JWs in and breathing on them ..............brilliant!