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month of sundays xmas quiz

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bluemooners | 16:28 Mon 02nd Jan 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
.Please Please Can anybody help with these last 2 there driving me and other peeps mad . Spring fool in North Yorks (3,7); Jewish cop (3,8). Answers MUST include name of a month or day of the week.


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May gosling?
sorry to ask ,but I too am being driven MAD with this years Blue Coat quiz - still need 59,80,85,90,94 and 95 - any clues ( or answers ) gratefully received
Can anyone help me please before I go MAD - still stuck on numbers 59,80,85,90,94 and 95
Any clues ( or answers) will be gratefully received

coast to coast optional climb ( 2,6,4)
1 1/2 miles over the town moor ( 8,8)
Napolean III ( 3,2,8)
spring fool in north yorks( 3,7)
this will put you off fortune cookies ( 6,6)
a great London tree ( 6,4,5)
Question Author
59, st. sunday crag
80 november handicap
85,man of december
90,may gosling.

only giving u the answers coz ur a blue lol
Can anybody confirm or otherwise that 84 is April Ashley please? If not, could you please give any hints.
Novalis, that is what I will be going with.
Many thanks for the confirmation TonyGribben. Just 4 ( 78, 85,93 ad 94 ) to do now. I tell my friend every year that I'm not helping her again. One of these days she won't sweet-talk me into it!!
Question Author
85 has been given by me above
Hi Bluemooners!

Many thanks. Twas a typo and should have read 83.
Thank you Bluemooners, yes you have helped a fellow Blue ( good result last night !), just one question left to answer now as I have just stumbled across the answer to the fortune cookie one - so may not have to go round the bend after all !

If you've not already got it the tree is Friday Hill plane. Any hints or suggestions for 93 please - Sandy 3,2,4,6,4.

My team did yours a big favour last night. I'm over the "blue" moon and all my friends up in Newcastle are in a state of stunned highly delightedness.
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look up of 4th july asbury park
Many thanks for your help Bluemooners. I should have realised that the compiler would include a Boss reference. He usually does..
Hi, I'm still struggling on quite a few answers for the Month of Sundays quiz. Any ideas on numbers 15, 29, 50,51,53,54,61,64,66,68,69,70?? Thanks a lot!!

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month of sundays xmas quiz

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