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Good Mornink Mah Dahlinks

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albaqwerty | 06:54 Mon 09th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
How's Monday grabbing you so far?
Hope you all have a good start to the week xx


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Morning Alba. Good so far, hope the rest of the day's the same.
Morninnnng xx
good morning alba, jd and tinks. it was a long or should it be short night.
Not slept yet- not one wink x
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Morning folks. Didn't have a good night either. Most unusual.
hi tinks - is it the curtains?
morning, looks like the insomniacs club is still up and running.
I think unfinished jobs do play on my mind LJ!!

Lol xx
good morning em - hope you will be feeling better soon.
Yeah me too em..
>----:0*----<. Hug

tink, why can't you sleep, you not well too.
I wasnt over xmas
Since developed headaches runny nose and today cough and blocked up.....but just part& parcel of virus i think!

Im off work- and i dont do well off work! Hence
Massive clear out over 3 days...couldnt sleep cos place was a tip and i thnk
Its just escalated.....too much on my mind em :0/ xxx
tink, that's part of it, too much time to think, mull over problems, what is it, why do i feel this way, or so bad, and that's as destructive as the original illness.
Not good!!

I go through phases of not sleeping
Or vivid dreams and i wake up feeling awful!!

Was hoping with decluttered room id zzzzz ....nope! Mabye when its all done x
Morning sweetpea, jd, LadyJ, tinks and em. I've not been sleeping too well recently either - maybe it's just the sleep pattern needs to re-establish itself after the xmas lie ins!!
Mornin welsh! Yeah thats some of the prob im
Sure xx

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Good Mornink Mah Dahlinks

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