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A conundrum to wake you up

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abstibus | 09:11 Mon 09th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
A man is sitting in a pub watching television.
He suddenly jumps up and runs home, dashes upstairs, switches on the light and throws himself out of the window.


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Foxie outfoxed me.

Was a lighthouse keeper.
Watching the news.
Saw a fatal shipwreck on 'his' rocks.
Realised he hadn't turned the lighthouse light on.
Ran home ... upstairs ... turned light on ...suicide from top floor of lighthouse.
Good one?
Was dazzled by the light , tripped and fell over edge? Why would he turn on the light? To illuminate the wreck? Bit daft really.
Obviously to stop any further shipwrecks!!
Could have said he was watching the news.Did he stand up and a cry out ."Jeepers I have for got to put the light on " Usually people remember they have left a light on and run home to switch it off with he cost of electric and all that

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