Last night the local foxes were barking and screaming to such and extent that we were were awake and listening. Meanwhile our terrier slept soundly through the mayhem coming from the wood. This morning we played fox calls on the computer and he got so agitated that he tried to get into the speakers.
My lady cat is pretty dense and at one stage I took her to the vet and said that she was either blind or stupid and which was more likely. We agreed that she is just stupid.
billandhiscat - we will never truly understand the mind of a cat/dog. They are both fascinating and intelligent animals. I love my two cats very much - but Merlin really isn't very bright, there is no 'nice' way to say that. :-)
seadogg - is that your dog in your avatar? If so he is a lovely looking dog.
It looks like billandhiscat is not familiar with wolf's sense of humour regarding her cats. It's always been obvious to me that she loves her little monsters very much, and has no problem whatsoever communicating with them :-))
If its any support both Snoopy fatcat the grey and white fluffball I sometimes use as an avatar and one of his predecessors Boris Knackerov were both as thick as too short planks did not make them less lovable just confusing