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Keyboard locked.

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NoMercy | 15:42 Fri 13th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
My colleague has accidentally locked her keyboard mid-letter by pressing Control + something. How can she reverse it?

She is unable to type anything now.



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Google tells me tha tthe Windos logo key and L pressed together locks the keyboard.... i can only assume it will unlock it too?!!
Noooo, that is to lock the computer!! Sorry xx
can she just reboot her pc and hope for the best? As you know I'm no techie but it has fallen offen off latest posts. I hope Chuck, rojash or someone is around.

I knew someone else would beat me to it!!
Hold down the 'shift' key for 10 seconds... which will also reboot the computer... (shift happens, you know)...
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Even IT are flummoxed.
Try Ctrl-Q - very old school...
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She's gone home now. lol

Thanks for your help, everyone.
lol Clanad, very good

I'd go home too :)
Lower her mouse into a cup of warm water.
Could try holding down both shift keys alt" at the same time. One site suggested it changes the keyboard from US to UK and back. Might be worth a try.

When you say she has gone home is that with the keyboard still locked, or did she give up and pull the plug on the PC ?
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Thanks for the replies. She's clocks off at 3pm daily so she shut the thing down and gave up.

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Keyboard locked.

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