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bobjugs12 | 09:19 Mon 16th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
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I've accidentally put a question for you into Relationships rather than Health. I'd appreciate it if you could have a look mate.



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Hi bob.......just read it.
2 things spring immediately to mind.
1) Diverticular disease (acute diverticulitis)
2) Leaking abdominal aneurysm ( as a 200-1 outsider.

he will need scans and an endoscopy, but would be interested to hearthe outcome.
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1) Possible, but would diverticulitis cause pain in the groin and/or cause pain on palpation in so many areas?
2) Bi-lat BP fine, no melena, no pulsatile mass? Triple A was one of my instincts as well

Any idea if renal impairments would cause any sort of fecal upset?
bob.....diverticular disease would indeed explain the severe left sided pain, guarding, tenderness and also the alteration in bowel habits.

I would not put a penny on renal pathology.

Off out now for an hour or so.

Keep me informed eh!

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