Cryptic clues in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Cryptic clues

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MdM69 | 01:37 Sat 12th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
18 Answers

With many thanks and gratitude in advance for assistance with the following cryptics:

  1. oddly ask Zach to come for war chant (4)

  2. perceive intuitively like a god (6)

  3. ram following ewe mostly gets tired (7)

  4. unclear raving heard coming from tramp (7)

  5. private eye took part in ballot and went into a spin (7)

  6. how one might describe weird ivy? (6)

  7. does it fly fast? (5)

  8. friends who hit back (4)

  9. despite being crackers they will reach great heights (10)

  10. lies around outside as an unusual example of marine life (3,5)

  11. surprised from the beginning and came first (8)

  12. outspoken Nile lists those who think nothing has value (9)

  13. peace body and Irish county pull the plug (6)

  14. nails found scattered round five blocks (6)

  15. dirty sword did get a mention (6)

  16. of interest at the moment but only for external application (7)

  17. sadly erase end of love song (8)

  18. practice that leaves you open to suggestion (8)

  19. remote-controlled fireball (6)
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I'm terrible at criptics but got 11! STARTLED. Good luck.

I think 1 is haka, the maori chant.

Odd letters backwards.

8 is pals

slap back

11. startled

19 meteor
17 serenade

19 Rocket?

10 Seasnail?
6 Creepy
13 UNcork
19 I see it now phoenixxx
14 anvils
15 sordid
Could 18 be coercion?
3 is wearies
5 is pivoted
18 could also be hypnosis
12 Could be nihilists (sounds like)
7 Swift
16 Topical

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