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DrFilth | 20:44 Sat 14th Jan 2012 | News
15 Answers
and this time they get away with the money


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could be as low as £3000 for six month's work - they won't be paying hardly any tax on their take from this
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they must have started digging soon after the last hole was discovered
I imagine they carried the dirt to the surface concealed in their trousers, then surreptitiously shook it out and hoped nobody would notice
Actually jno, I think they erected a vaulting horse over the tunnel entrance so as not to arouse suspicion.

What dtc says - Six months hard physical graft for 'several thousand pounds' between them. What a bunch of muppets.
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it would not take six months to dig that
Could be mistaken but thought I'd read somewhere it was as little as £6,000.

If so, not worth the effort.
Yep, 6 grand. Machine hadn't been re-filled after the New Year break.
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no proper figure been given out yet

the last time they dug and were close it said in the paper that they think they were on time for it to be filled up with over £125,000

the paper gave the date when the money was being put in and thought the gang had inside knowledge
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the last hole was filled in with concrete, bet it costs more to fill the hole in than what they get out in cash :)
Ah I saw that, quite near me, seems like a big waste of effort for me!
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is it near the bottom of kingsway on the old bus depot site ?
Not sure where the old bus depot was but it's near Birchfields/Moseley Road.
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that was the site of the old bus depot

you had princess road and birchfields and one down the other end of kingsway where wilmslow road meets it , think tesco have built a supermarket on that site
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just remembered the one down kingsway / wilmslow was called parrs wood depot

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