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Have yahoo started some kind of a chat thingy?

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sandyRoe | 00:01 Tue 17th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Every time I open Yahoo mail a pop up appears telling me someone or other wants to add me as a contact. I don't know them and certainly don't want any contact either.


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I've no idea - I don't get that with my Yahoo pages.
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Just got another one, Yahoo Messenger apparently.
Sandy - could be African or East European women on the hunt for men....
its been around for quite a long while - i get a lot of random chat requests though form strangers...though i do have a few people i chat to on it that i know.

if you get random, block them as well as decline then, as they keep trying
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They're 10 or 15 years too late then. Pity...
if you dont want it, there is an option somewhere to appear offline

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Have yahoo started some kind of a chat thingy?

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