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Morning all- Brrrrrrrrrr

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TheOtherHalf | 07:04 Tue 17th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Got here first today I think. Amazing, Bloody freezing here in Brrrrrridlington. Dont want to go out . Have a good day everyone


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Morning TOH. It's cold here too. I had to evict a pair of polar bears from the front porch just now. The said they were going to complain to the RSPCA! :o}
Morning all, I'm cold too but have to look on the bright side - at least it's not snowing!
Morning bensmum. xxx The days are getting longer by about two minutes every day. Soon be spring! :o}
morrrrnin...cold in Worcestershire as well, but just lit the fires.
Lol @ Waterboatmen:)
Morning nox. It's nippy enough!
Morning!!!! Still in bed trying to sleep! I assume
Itl be cold here in scotland (as bloody usual) but im under the duvet so im not lol xx
Morning OH, WB, BM and TB.

Cold here too in the eastern shire, but thoughts of sun as I get the suitcase packed ready for the off on Thursday.

Enjoy your day everybody.
Sorry, and you Noz too.
Good morning all....a bit breezy here..but only a little chilly. Lambs popping up all over the place!!. =)
Morning tinks. xxx jd and Nora xxx Spring will soon be here.
Time to go. I've got a busy day ahead.
Have a happy day everyone.
U2 WBM. =)
Morning one and all. Noraq - don't mention lambs, Moonie will think they're his offspring!!
He floated like a butterfly,
He stung like a bee,
Happy 70th birthday,
Muhammed Ali
lol Welshie...I thought that.... (Moonie)..didn't like to mention it. xx
Question Author
Morning again to everyone,. Ive just arrived at work and can hardly type as my fingers are nearly numb even though I wore 2 pairs of gloves. Lovely cuppa in hand though so should soon defrost. :>) Yes its definitely getting lighter WBM. I know that by end of Feb I can manage without my cycle lights when going home at 5.30pm.
Morning folks! It's only my second day at work and already i'm resenting the early mornings! :-( Suppose I just need to get into a routine. Roll on Saturday and a long lie! :-) xx
He will be dreading the letter from the CSA....

morning all from a frosty Birmingham... pretty streaky sky this morning thousand or more asstd gulls heading away from the reservoir.... very romantic until you think where they are headed... (landfill sites)

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Morning all- Brrrrrrrrrr

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