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joggerjayne | 22:36 Tue 17th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
... thing you've done so far this week?

I dug out my blades, and went roller skating on the prom today.

I know, I know ... a bit out of date, but it seems to be quite popular at the mo.

(yes, they should have had the ambulance on stand by, LOL !!)

You ??


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Oh, China ... that was just asking for trouble.

Jenna ... sorry, but ... LOL !!!
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(Googles "how does one play "duvet monsters"? ")
Went for walk down the meadow with 3 dogs.
Wore shoes............very wet feet.
Played duvet monsters with border collie..............result, filthy duvet,and blood blisters
I gotta go to bed too much medicinal alcohol. :))
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I think you had just the right amount, beattie !


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