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Good Morning All

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jd_here | 06:29 Wed 18th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
A very good morning to everybody, warm and frostless here in the eastern shires, well, warmer than it has been recently.

Hope your day is good to you, enjoy it!


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morning Mark and jd
Good morning from a cold , dark and damp Nottinghamshire
same up here paddywak
Not very nice Doc, hope it clears up as Trish wants to go into Nottingham shopping.
Good morning all.'s Max doing?
Morning jd, mark, paddywak and DrF. Persisiting down here in NW Wales and milder at +6 degrees - positively balmy compared to the last few days. Morning Noraq - just saw your name come up on the latest posts box.
Good morning Welshy...very mild here too...a bit breezy though.
Thank for askibg about him noraq, He seems ok but all we can do is wait for the X-Rays and tests next week and take it from there.
Morning all - rain here in the southern shires but much warmer at least. Fingers crossed for Max here paddywak, have a good day all xx
...that's going to feel like a very long week's hoping all will be good. xx
we'll try bensmum hopefully a bit of shop therepy will cheer Trish up a bit she's been really down since Monday. WellI'm off now to take Max for a slow stroll to the paper shop.
Mornin all:)
Hello x
Morning all - looks damp & murky out there in Manchester, and we'reout of milk. Volunteer needed to hobble over to our local mini Tesco - that's me , naturally.
Morning everyone from Bridlington. A bit milder but damp here. Off to zumba again this morning so that will warm me up. What else can you do on a day like this ?
Have a good day everyone x
morning folks xx
morning from a decidedly chilly capital.
It's damp and dark here in Bristol but the temperature is in double figures - only 10 but at least the frost is gone. Hope you all have a good day, I think mine is going to be lazy.
Morning all from a damp and dull Birmingham....
Have a nice one all.... and don't forget to visit Ab Editor for details on how to get your copy of Apotheosis the E book

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