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More than a million young people aged between 16-24 are without a job.

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sandyRoe | 12:16 Wed 18th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
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Is this a figure that Cameron & Co should be ashamed of?


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and who looked the other way whilst the banks were partying on down, and cosying up to them whilst doing so, Brown, Darling, Blair, all take a bow.
And if the banks that were ailing were left to drown, who would have picked up the tab then.
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Credit where credit's due. Wasn't it during Thatcher's time that the City and the banks were deregulated? The Big Bang paved the way for the financial problems we have now.
sandyr, didn't notice the top nobs in the Labour party doing anything about it though, quite the opposite it would seem.
em10 If you get your facts from the right wing media fair enough, but you shouldn't then promote it as a fact.

I suggest that before you even get to Britain you look at the US sub prime mortgage crisis, Bill Clinton. The comments made in the late 90's about banking regulation and what it would do to the country.

I would then look at the reasons the last government did what they did and ask yourself would the Tories been able to do any different?

Labour were far from blameless in both regulation and control, however I am not sure if the Tories would have been very different.

But if you really want to blame someone go and research Hedge fnd management and their role in the sub-prime.
I guess we're lucky. Our 16-24 years are either working and have been for well over a year (and is on a very good wage for his age) the other one is in college and has been trying to find a part-time job but nothing.
My 15 year old has a paper round. 7 days a week....a teenager that never gets a lay in!
The same old tired arguments, that if you read a particular newspaper, that is how you see the world and it's wife. Not a fact, nor a balanced argument. If i read the Financial times, Times, Mirror, Daily Mail, would that make me better informed, or would that make me someone who has no job, with a lot of time on my hands. I like to think i can be informed by past experience, reading any number of newspapers, tv news, listening to others opinions, having arguments and debates, and not by picking up one source of information, that is the mark of someone who doesn't want to know more about the world we live in and it's workings.
One thing to remember, no teen should be expecting to earn a fortune on entering the workplace, it's why this country is in such a mess over it's youth joblessness, expecting a lot for not much input. Most will be living at home, so usually rent and bills free, as was always the case. Once in work and i had a decent enough pay packet, i paid towards the household, which was fair, even if i didn't think so at the time.
so they are not so hard done by if they don't earn more than 3.68 an hour.
Plus em I believe this to be a world wide problem - and will probably get worse before it gets any better.
Brenden, i agree, it will take some time, but one thing i do know, or at least from personal experience, that the longer you sit on your backside not working at anything, the harder it is for you to be a usefully employed person. I only stopped when my physical and mental health failed me, and now the government is trying to tell me that i should return.
There's work out there if you're willing to start on minimum wage, work hard, get experience and claw your way up.
em10 no the point I was making is you shouldn't rely on the press who have their own agendas.

What I was suggesting you go and read the articles, from some very august financial institutes, which are freely available on the net, about the reasons for the financial meltdown and see that the whole thing was very much a political at the start.

Given your tired old arguments and you obvious right wing bias, I w suggesting you might wish to convert your ingnorance to knowledge but obviously its better to be lazy and sling mud in the hope that some sticks rather than actualy look at the facts and make a valid judgement.
right wing bias, oh yes of course that's the answer, why didn't i think of that. Actually i despise most politicians, but some more than others, Labour the party of the people, since when i might ask, certainly not in a long while. The last charlatan to grace the labour stage is now feathering his nest with 6 or 7 homes, not least a multi million pound mansion, whilst his wife is trying to set up a string of Privately funded health centres, yes i can see how one would be biased, not

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