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Britain admits to spying

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DrFilth | 19:52 Thu 19th Jan 2012 | News
13 Answers
with a fake rock
every rock tells a story


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This is very old news. The story about this rock happened years ago and the agents were given a slap on the wrist I believe. Thats when we were more friendly with Russia and soon after Blair arranged the oil contract with BP.
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they have only just admitted it
Why they have regurgitated this news which happened 6 years ago leaves me baffled. The disclosure and our part in it were well known and it achieved the same laughter as it does now.
It was never officially admitted until now, that's why. But no one seriously doubted that it occurred. Not even the Russians would make that up. Of course RT will love stories like this as it takes the focus away from the fact that the Kremllin is still up to its neck in espionage to a degree barely below cold war levels.
The government have announced an enquiry and stated that they'll leave no stone unturned.
What I would like to know is how much spying can you do with a fake rock. Was it mobile, and how many secrets did it find out while sitting there?
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"The government have announced an enquiry and stated that they'll leave no stone unturned."

In a rare moment of solidarity both governments agreed to investigate the rise in low grade TV talent shows like X Factor and Blank's Got Talent. They've vowed to leave no turn unstoned.
Ohhhh Birdie :-( That's the first sign....
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I don't understand the fuss about this rock at all. All countries spy on other countries, and everyone knows it. It baffles me why this is newsworthy let alone a 'diplomatic incident'.

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Britain admits to spying

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