Does anyone know how to play a game of 'pass the parcel' BUT with participants following instructions (for the movement of the parcel) contained, sometimes cryptically, within a piece of prose read by the game leader? A bit like a cross between 'pass the parcel' and 'Simon says'. Any ideas on where to find an appropirate piece of prose?
Hi thanks, we klnow the ordinary game of pass the parcel but wanted to add the extra dimension to the game for an elderly group of people. Sounds like it could be fun as eachplayer tries to decipher the instruction!
I did a pass the parcel game at a Christmas party - whenever the music stopped the person holding the parcel had to read aloud the tongue twister 4 times which was written on the slip of paper attached to the wrapper. I made them as hard as possible (just googled "tongue twisters") It caused such hilarity, people just could not say them and were not allowed to start passing the parcel on until they did!
card on each wrapper then when music stops,someone reads this card, the card reads either a question or challenge. If the person doesnt get it right then then next person in line unwraps the gift. If the person gets it right, then they can unwrap that layer. It goes on like this. this can be adult or child themed depending on your challenges.