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mowlston | 22:41 Wed 11th Jan 2012 | How it Works
15 Answers


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That must be some sort of a record! You've been a member of AB for over 7 years and you've posted all of two words!!!

It's hardly a question but here's my attempt at an answer anyway:

What is the question?
Speech is silver, silence is golden.
Noisy pipes, perhaps?
I think we may need to wait another 7 years for a response lol
Air lock
You have noisy plumbing, HTH
upset tummy?
Danny Boy?
or Londonderry Air ?

Oh [Mowlston], the pipes, the pipes are calling ....
Tradespeople like their radio.
Just ask them to turn Radio 2 down a bit, if it bothers you.
Yes mowlston, you have a catchy turn of phrase it seems, not fettered by such inhibitions, such as verbosity. judging by the replies so far.
Noise from plumbing can come from having an air-lock somewhere.
In which case all the radiators need bleeding.
It can also come from a faulty pump. Replace.
Check that the maximum temp setting is not too high; you don't want water boiling anywhere.
Heating will expand the pipes and if resting on wooden beams etcetera, can cause a noisy rubbing sound. I cured that in my old house by having insulation on all the pipes throughout.
The pressure valve on the system may need adjusting. Get a plumber in.
Which is probably what you should have done in the first place.
Unless of course you're just winding everyone up! LOL.
See first answer!
Do your pipes clank when your washing machine switches on and off? Mine do!
-- answer removed --

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