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Sherrardk are you there

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Caran | 00:57 Wed 25th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Just read your post re Sun Valley Chicken shop, is this the one in Hereford? We have tried to find it and failed. Can you help where it is, thanks Caran.


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Found this Caran, but is info from 2004??

If you are in the Herefordshire area, it might be worth checking out the Sun valley shop. Does loads of chicken products for Sainsburys and marks & spencers really cheap. It used to be a staff shop only, but now any one can use it. It is located off Grandstand Road / Yazor Road near to the Hungry Horse (was the cannybrook pub years ago).
It's not far from the Race course Caran. It's off Yazor road I think. If you find the Hungry Horse Pub/ Grandstand then it's just behind the pub up a little road
Snap Mama- that's it and it's still there- bargains galore:)
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Thanks everyone, I will look into it.
its across the road from our old office, i used to love workign down there and pick up a bargain for dinner!

Red barn drive hereford hr4 pql
sorry that's 9ql

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Sherrardk are you there

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