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johntywino | 15:24 Thu 26th Jan 2012 | Computers
7 Answers
I have just got a 17" Dell monitor (second hand) and I don't know if it has sound on it(?) My old 17" monitor had speakers at the front on either side but this one doesn't seem to have them...Do they make them without speakers? John


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One plugs a set of speakers into the computer's sound card.
15:50 Thu 26th Jan 2012
Yes - most monitors don't have speakers
... mainly because speakers built in to monitors are cr@p :-)
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How does one hear music then? John
One plugs a set of speakers into the computer's sound card.
Yuo can buy some PC speakers and they just plug in to the PC.
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Thanks Mark.....I was just curious thats all !!!
"How does one hear music then? "

I usually just drop some acid and watch the visualisation in WMP

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Do you know the answer?


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