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Help with a name please

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squarebear | 22:14 Sat 28th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I don't know if many of you have heard of Siri for the iphone. Basically, it's a helper on your phone that you can talk to and it will obey you. You can say things like "set my alarm for 5:30", "Call Jane for me", "What's the weather going to be like" and so on.

Now imagine you were developing something similar. What name would you give to it? Somethng snappy that gives away what it does without being too cryptic.


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I don't nag Buenchico, himself is so rarely here that I just get on and do it myself (I am amazingly laid back and chilled there is no need to nag).
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That's a good one, ADA as in aider.
And an homage to Ada Lovelace
May have been used already, though.
Sonya - cos she gets on ya nerves.

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Help with a name please

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