Food & Drink1 min ago
i 303 Monday January 30th 2012
2 Answers
Can anyone help with these:
16d Rival work with page about half of course (8)
I have ?p?o???? and am thinking opponent, but after op (work) and p (page) can't see the parsing.
24a River attracting bird in Blackburn?(6) I have d?????. Danube? Dee...? the letter ...R ...? can't think of a word that links to Blackburn for the life of me.
16d Rival work with page about half of course (8)
I have ?p?o???? and am thinking opponent, but after op (work) and p (page) can't see the parsing.
24a River attracting bird in Blackburn?(6) I have d?????. Danube? Dee...? the letter ...R ...? can't think of a word that links to Blackburn for the life of me.
16d) about = ON, half of course = ENT(ree)
20:58 Wed 01st Feb 2012