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firewatch | 20:53 Thu 02nd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Hubby just broken down AGAIN this time its an AA job, so glad i made sure we had cover!
What little things other then health and family are you grateful for??


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My job now that i've got one :)

And you've just reminded me to do the AA cover.... thanks ;) lol!
I'm grateful for everything :-)
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I only took it out because a coil pack blew in the car and we had to get home somehow, but never needed to use it as a friend (superman in blue overalls armed with a spanner) fixed it for us. But Hes stuck in Bristol trying to get home to wales lol
I was only looking into it because my coil pack blew last week! I'm hating my car right now... actually i'm really hating the garage because I think they're pulling a fast one!
All sorts, my job, my friends and family, my cats, having a roof over my head to be able to be warm and safe and money to get by.

So many homeless people about here, see a few day in day out and it's just awful to think of them out at night anyway let alone in this weather.
I thought you meant he'd broken down, as in sobbing!

Glad that's not the case and hope he and the car are home to you soon.
I'm grateful for chocolate!
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Now Tenrec, i could not live without my crisis choccy and he is on the point of crying breakdown but cant, because hes a bobby and hes broken down on his beat not good to be seen crying!
Awww Bless!
What have I got to be grateful for? I'm alive, I've a terrific woman and a great dog what more do you need?
Although people may hate them, my mobile phone in a case like a breakdown Firewatch. this time of the year people going out on a journey need to be prepaired for ( I hope it does not happen ) breakdown.

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no luck

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