Well I did watch it. Forgive me, I'm biased I know but I know of three families from my career in the past who Social Services have treated very unjustly and have caused such problems interfering with normal family life, twisting the facts too. I know you get good social workers and bad, as in all walks of life, but the ones I am referring to, just would not listen and they knew best and nothing would sway their (wrong) opinions, even evidence from Courts. In tonights programme that situation is different to ones I knew of, it showed Social workers in their proper role, protecting the children, though I thought it very harsh that the baby was taken away after only one lapse of behaviour, even cruel, but obviously they (rightly) had the baby's best interest at heart, as proved to be when the mother went back with the problem father and they lost all contact with their child. My problem is, when SS hound innocent families as they are "easy targets" instead of persuing the real children who really need to be protected from harm, neglect, physical abuse, starvation etc in dreadful home situations where social workers are afraid to visit.