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Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study.

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Answerprancer | 03:06 Tue 07th Feb 2012 | News
19 Answers quoted by ...THE DAILY MAIL !
Are they trying to kill off their readership ? Have they finally realised ? Is there hope at last ? :-)

Sorry but I just had to return here to post this.


Love and peace to all.


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Thankyou Ellipsis, I was aware of Git's presentation, I just wanted to re-post it from a different perspective.
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Hi Owdhamer, Keep up the good work, it's a brilliant art. Have you tried your hand at turning 'bog oak' yet ?
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I've never heard of them, are they suppliers of ready-seasoned wood ?
Question Author
...ok just found their website. My Father uses bog oak now and then, he goes out and collects it and turns out masterpieces which include a carbon-date certificate. (Bog oak being pre-historic)
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You made a new name to type that crap...and AP probably won't even see it!!
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He still won't see it before you get banned :-)

I've met AP...a really nice man..
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Why wouldn't you?
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We are not in different countries. I met up with him in Glastonbury. So it's you that has your facts wrong!!
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Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study.

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