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Heston on chips

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sherrardk | 00:16 Thu 09th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just watching Heston thingy making chips. He used an atomiser of vinegar to invoke the 'excitement of the chip shop' - wonder what goes on in his chip shop, ours is as dull as ditch water.


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Does he use potatoes or something more exotic for the chips?
His triple cooked chips are good, he does go a bit heavy on recreating atmospheres though...
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Just spuds - cooks them three times (bloke obviously has too much time on his hands).
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Eccles - aren't you meant to be in bed?
correct, sherrard!
If you eat in at our chippy, you can have a bottle of wine.

In bed, light about to be switched off.

Eccles now feeling told off :-(

Sweet dreams all.
Night Eccles.

Am I that surprised, Jayne?.....the answer is a clear "No."
You'd need something robust to cut through the grease in our chippie. And yet the purists say you shouldn't have red with fish...
Our chippy is exciting on a Friday night - right hub of activity it is.
Double cooked chips are good.

I don't eat chips from a chip shop.
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I don't eat anything from the chippy - it's a once in a blue moon treat (the price is extortionate) and it's such a faff going to get them.
Our chippy is also on the same block as the Hotel Pelirocco.

You can have fish and chips and a bottle of Sancerre, and then check in for a kinky bonk.

I should work for the tourist board !

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Heston on chips

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