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2 weeks off work

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tiggerblue10 | 22:36 Wed 08th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Woohoo :o)

I've had a crap couple of days and had to cancel a training course I was supposed to attend tomorrow in order to help my colleague out as she's about to have a nervous breakdown. Then I'm on leave for 2 weeks from Friday :)

Haven't got anything planned so I'm going to come on here and annoy you lot! Hehe ;o)


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Shouldn't you be spring cleaning, shampooing the cat, washing the gerbil or some such ?
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Not really in the mood for any of those activities. Washing a gerbil would be a bit difficult as I don't have one Dave.
Oh well - we'll just have to keep you amused on here then :)
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Well, quite. Looking forward to it o)
We had a gerbil called Herb , Herb the Gerb
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I like small furry creatures but Tigger & Blue would have a field day if brought any home!
Have a lovely break tiggerblue, and a few days out if the weather's good eh?
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On the one hand I hope it doesn't snow but then on the other hand I don't mind if it does as I don't have to worry about driving Little Tiggs to the childminder and then getting the bus to work at 7.30 in the morning.

Whatever happens I don't have to get up early Maidup so I definitely will have a good break :o)))
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Anyway, have to be up at 6 so I'm off..............

Goodnight x
oi Tiggs it's half 8 now :D wakey eakey x
I have a hamster called Tickles if that helps Tiggs?

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