Has anyone else had a phone call from a man with an indian accent allegedly phoning from Windows to tell me that my computer has a virus and could shut down altogether without warning.
Funnily enough, we've had dozens of these calls at all-too-regular intervals. It's a total scam - do NOT on any account do anything they ask or your computer really will get totally messed up and probably your internet security will be compromised as well..Just tell them where to go and put the phone down.
I always say my neighbour is a computer expert and can sort it thank you.
When it is people wantingto do windowss,patios,etc, I point out I am in a second floor flat (or however many floors I fancy to add!) and that it is leasehold so they have to speak to the landlord.This is AFTER they have spieled on and on and I am "so sorry that they have had a wasted call" (Not!!) They have usually given up before this point.