I have one of those there mobile internet dongle things with a sim card inside.Does anyone know how to get free internet connection with one of these as i am sick of topping it up? dont tell me to get broadband connected.....i live in a tent!
Some cafeshave Internet hotspots that give 20 minutes free trial access after that you have to pay. But obviously that means going out to a cafe. I do that from time to time. But otherwise I don't know of any free Internet.
I use a vodaphone dongle, the 15 quid used to give me 4 weeks, now it's about 3 weeks, depends what is downloaded etc.
Son used to have a Tmobile which was the biggest load of nonsense out quite frankly but that is just my opinion.
henrythewasp: here's a tip. Why not buy a 12GB yearly dongle from argos. It's a lot cheaper in the long run! Don't know about getting it free. I think it would be illegal. WF8MAN
The best thing to do would be to write to one of the major Broadband suppliers outlining precisely what it is that is *SO* special about you that entitles you to free Broadband.