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Susanna Watch

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joggerjayne | 08:52 Mon 13th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
She looks great this morning.

Very coordinated, and obviously feeling perky ... swinging her shoes, and pouting a bit.

What's her secret? It's Monday morning ... we're all supposed to be grumpy!


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She looks great, freshly waxed(she allegedly went a bit 'gorilla' at the weekend if other posters are to be believed) and buffed I'll wager. I cheeky hint of thigh with the tantalising promise of more to be revealed during the course of the morning as she shifts position whilst seated, she certainly knows how to keep us viewing.
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LOL at "a bit gorilla" ... and Eeuuuwww!
I meant her legs jj, I'm too much of a gentleman to speculate about other areas of her body.......
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Oh, err ...

Yes, well, obviously ... I knew that.


Still waiting hopefully and expectantly for Susanna to give us a Sharon Stone moment...............
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Who or what is bl00dy Sussana?
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Oh, come on sqaddy ... do try to keep up.

-- answer removed --
Sqad, you really must try to get Beeb1. Won't do your blood pressure any good but the scenery is breath-taking.

She sure did look good this morning.
trigs.....looking at posters in previous "susanna" threads only about 3 people know susanna...;-)
Some of us want her to present wearing a bikini if nothing else :)
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CB stands for Chatter Bank ...

... not Common Knowledge Bank !

i always look forward to a glimpse of Susanna before being forced to watch Roary the Racing car. Mind you that Marsha is a bit of a looker.:-)
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(whoo, sorry)

Be good ... x x x
Despite my wishes, Susanna's hemline remained at a disappointingly low level throughout the morning. Ho hum, best I went to bed now, it's been a long night. Just finished 3 night shifts, got tonight off then back in for 3 more!
Hopefully dreams of Susanna will visit me in my slumber......
See the gold shoes?
Hair nicely parted.... lovely

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Susanna Watch

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