Thanks for your concern.
No, Noisy hasn't come back.
She was always a shared cat, in that she'd decided to live here but she seemed to have an 'official' home somewhere else. She arrived with a collar on but (when it became so tatty and loose that she easily get strangled if it got got caught on a branch) I took it off. For many months she patrolled her territory without a collar, so I assumed that she'd no longer got another home - but one day she turned up with a new collar on.
I've often wondered if her 'official' home is the house down the road where the people moved in shortly before she appeared. (I've never spoken to them. I don't even know what they look like). They've now got a 'To Let' sign outside, and they've started to pile their surplus belongings outside, so I assume that they'll be moving soon. It's possible that they've kept Noisy inside, so that they'll be able to take her with them.
However Noisy has gone missing before, so she might still turn up anyway.