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This is sad. I'm excited.

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giveup | 17:50 Wed 15th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Just managed to dry a whole line of washing outside. Told you I was sad.


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Hey, spring must be on the way!!
So have I, giveup, for the second day running. And thanks, you're reminded me to get it in!
lol, I'm sad too then, feeling pleased 'cos I've just done the same, washed, line dried and ironed all in the same day

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I don't enjoy the ironing part.
Ironed on the same day, Robi?!!!!! Which reminds me I really should venture into the spare room one day to see how how the pile of ironing is. I just throw anything needing ironing in there - Sometimes it needs washing again before I get round to it. I HATE ironing with a passion!!! Buying new clothes is much more satisfying.
Get someone in to do it lady did all mine this morning.
Ironing??? Nooooo, life's too short. Straight off the line and folded or onto a hanger, job done.

I dothough find myself burying my face in a fragrant shirt off the line in the manner of a Stepford wife... oh dear.
Craft, I used to get mine collected when I worked, but I don't feel justified in spending the money now. I must say though that I only iron things which really, really, need ironing - usually Mr LL's shirts. With everything else I do what suechu does. I must say though that clothes dried outside on the line are lovely - soft and fragrant. I have to trape across muddy grass to reach my line though :o(
I have never ironed sheets or duvet covers though. Occasionally will do pillow cases if someone comes to stay!!!
I used to do the ironing (at home) for a hairdressing salon when my children were small. I remember the manageress was most put out when I told her I was returning to work - I felt like a tweeny.
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I've got a room like that LoftyLottie. I do have a lady for two hours a week and she sometimes does the ironing,it will keep until next week,but even then I dont worry about sheets,duvet covers etc,but must agree about pillowcases. Only if someone is staying.
There's only me and I wouldn't want anyone else doing my ironing unless I was incapable... crimplene sheds the creases pretty well anyway :o)
yes I would giveup too.....
I must be even sadder than you lot then, because I actually LIKE ironing. I iron everything - socks, flannels, bras - and I do all my Mum's ironing too. I find it very therapeutic.

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Come round any time.
I'm with you Jenny - I love a big pile of ironing something decent to watch that I've taped - midsomer or such and a room to myself. Grandadg does his own - always has I don't iron sock flannels or bras though
I was actually annoyed that I was at work today, thus missing out on a washing/drying day!

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