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cupid04 | 15:53 Wed 15th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Does everyone still have a love-hangover?


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Nope! Never had one in the first place lol.
Guess what,
No I car booted all my old Diana Ross recordings.
No and no Ferrero Rocher either. Kinda on the warpath about the latter. :)
whats a love hangover?
I assume you mean from Valentine's Day?

Bit tricky - the present Mrs Hughes is in Abu Dhabi - has been for two weeks, and will be for another three weeks.

Not a lot of love in Hughes Villa just at the moment, only me there!
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Too much you know what the night before, mcfluff!
I have a headache
Can you have too much?....
Are you pleading to be in possession of the aforementioned affliction then....?
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I should be so lucky! We should be loving to our partners every day.
No hangover but still in shock - Mr M bought me flowers (from Aldi) the second time in 45 years!
did I read flour or flowers there, masma...
Haha...Yes they were flowers - Carnations! ;-)

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