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Nine years to get immigrant deported.

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anotheoldgit | 10:54 Thu 16th Feb 2012 | News
2 Answers

Well done this Lady, she should get a permanent post in the Government, getting rid of these pieces of scum from our land.

Pity it had to take her nine years though, but with Judges such as this one, is it any wonder?

/// Astonishingly, the judge in the case praised Kendeh’s ‘frankness and honesty’ and said there were ‘compassionate circumstances’. ///

/// Describing Kendeh as ‘one of us’ the judge said it would be an ‘unjustifiable interference’ with his right to a private and family life, under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, to send him back home. ///

I don't know what kind of circles this judge moves around in, but I am sure that I can speak for most others, when I say "Kendeh is definitely not one of us".


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More evidence if any were needed that the Human Rights act has very little to do with Human rights and everything to do with the protection of lowlives. Our "on a different planet" judges do nothing to convince most of us that the whole HR edifice is nothing but a charter to protect outlaws.
Well of course once again the rights of the victim are ignores in perseverance of the right-on thinking of pinko liberals.

Its about time we shot of these judges and bought some in who represent the people. They should be voted in not cushily stuck there by their mates who all have the same warped sense of thinking.

All this does is to lesson the real human rights problems which the law was intended for.

Makes me sick,

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