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Look forward to.

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TWR | 20:19 Thu 16th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
What, when you get up in the morning do you look forward to?


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A cup of coffee
A cup of coffee, the daily papers and the peace and quiet when the rest of the family are still in bed. Best time of the day.
//What, when you get up in the morning do you look forward to?//

At 86 years old EVERYTHING !!!

Question Author
I like that Ron.
nice one Ron ;-))
Walking the dog, then settling down with a mug of coffee and a couple of bacon butties and the newspaper before Trish gets up.
When Redman is in Wales I look forward to talking on the phone when we're together hugs and cuddles and a cup of tea watching pointless.... simple pleasures
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A wee.
Grope, tea & breakfast. Always in that order.
and its getting nearer by the day folks : )
Same as Chi-chi... Bedtime... I always need to know when my next long lie is going to be as well. Even if it's another month away, I need something to look forward to!! Haha!
Ditto Paddywak and my OH's at sort of Trish too! If your paper is the Indy we have the match.
A hot shower !
Breakfast, followed by lunch, followed by tea/dinner!!
coffee and the paper
Taking a cup of tea back to bed.

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