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joggerjayne | 09:21 Fri 17th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
There was just a woman on the BBC in Rochdale.

Behind her was a shop called PoundPlus.

Does that just mean that the stuff costs more than £1 ?


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A bit like 'arrods then? Nothing on sale here for less than a quid?
I saw the clip jj....a shop in my town started off as £1 shop..then a few more opened, now the original shop states......Everything FROM £1, but people don't see that the sign has changed, only when they get to the till and argue the price!!
It's a clothes shop for obese women.
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It sounds like SALE signs which say "Up To 25% Off"

"Up to" 25% colud be, say, 5%
JJ, you might know this. Do Harrods actually sell anything for less than £1
Sandy they sell sweeties for less than a pound!
Sandy I bought a Harrods carrier bag I think it cost 50p but it was a while ago.
The Harrods food hall was cheaper than my local Budgens!
We have a new Poundplus store.It's pretty much the same as the old Poundland, except everything is £1.20. Still very cheap!
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sandy ...

I suppose their food hall might have the odd sum £1 chocolate.

And they have sections that sell tacky souvenirs, like London bus badges, so there might be stuff in there.
exactly jj...anything to confuse the consumer...

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