pains in joints and aneamia
Hi all,
i posted a question some time ago, and problem is still rolling around. i have painful knee joints, pains in my hips, groin and stumach, also in my back when driving for more than 30 mins. Doctor has done blood tests, and I am aeneamic.
( excuse the spelling) He has asked me twice, a month a part after blood tests, if I have seen any blood loss, but the answer is no. I can put up with the joint pains, I have had back pain for many years, but the stumach pains, and bowel problems are causing concern. I did a bowel cancer screening test two weeks ago and heard nothing, so guess that it was clear. Can all this be
I B S ? nerves etc? we are talking about pains that come and go, always some slight pain, and lots of really bad pain, I am not a wimp, I have lived with back pain for 30 years, having to slide out of bed and stand up by pulling myself up slowly, unable to walk straight for days on end, but this is dodgy,
I am on lots of medication, such as: diprydamole, statins, amias, aspirin. I asked my doctor if he thought this was causin the problem, and he said" well, stop taking all the tablets and see how you feel"
No thanks, one mini stroke is enough for me
any ideas???