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Is it just me?

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annie0000 | 17:16 Wed 22nd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Does anyone else get fed up with people putting booklets through your door which they then come and ask for back? - e.g Kleeneze or Betterware

Then they get upset when you tell the you binned it. If you want to keep it then stop putting it through my letterbox!!!!


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I try and catch them to tell them not to put it through. But I always tell them when they come back not to bother next time as they will never get it back! It does work for some.
I put them back on the doorstep as soon as they come through the letterbox.
Me too.
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yeah I thought about a note headwreck, but I like the door to look tidy and hence don't want a notice up or a booklet lying on my doorstep and I have enough of my own crap without storing someone elses.
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tenrec - I've caught a couple but then someone new starts and we have the same problem again.

I don't like it lying on the doorstep cos it looks messy and if it's windy then it just ends up littering the street.
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Its the fact that the get annoyed that I've binned it that gets me. I went and shoved my stuff into someone elses house then I wouldn't be surprised if the tossed it away.
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sorry IF I went....
No, same as daffy, I just pick it up and put it back on the doorstep ready for them to collect.

When I did avon we had to pay for the brochures and it annoyed me when people just binned them...I don't think Betterware pay for theirs, no idea about Kleeneeze.
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anyway, that's the rant for the day :o)
We also get loads of those plastic re-cycle bags through the door. I do use them occasionally, but the rest are great binbags!
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Robinia - I don't really care whether they paid for them tbh. If they want me to buy then they could politely knock on the door and ask if I am interested. They just seem to think that they can get orders with no effort - like they are some sort of community service.
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Whenever I get an Avon book (frequently) I leave it out ('cos it costs them money, and they are trying to make a living) saying please don't leave the books.
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yeah thats the other bane tenrc - I've used them a few times and they have never been collected or they say to leave the bag out and they'll pick it back up and they dont do that either.
What pizzed me off recently was getting something from Next for the first time on-line - then three weeks later, a delivery truck turns up with two very substantial tomes weighing some five to six pounds, their catalogues for clothing and home.

Then the next statement a charge for £3-75.

I e-mailed them and this was soon retracted, my argument including (i) I had not requested it (ii) I had ordered on line so could obviously access the on line info and (iii) they were very welcome to arrange removing it.

The rebate promptly came through to be fair to them, but the chutzpah in the first place...
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lol DT - good on you! to be fair NEXT are very good with their returns and cust service in general. God loves a long as they don't expect you to have their stuff lying on your doorstep for a week ;o)

Aynhoe - I just said I was fed up, I know nobody died.... :o)
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headwreck :o) I think you'll find there are a few of us about - just not many on AB!

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