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I've Just made A Foll Of Myself.

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chrissa1 | 16:19 Wed 22nd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Over the past 3 months I noticed that £24 was being taken out of my account on a fairly regular basis and I didn't recognise the payee's name. I rang my bank and was advised to write to them with the details which I did.
This morning I saw that amount had gone out again and spent 10 minutes on the phone to them. I was promised a return phonecall about it.

After a few minutes thought, I realised that it was my hairdresser and they had changed their bank details. I had my hair cut on Monday!!! Duh.


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^ Fool.
It's an easy mistake to make.
The joys of belonging to the Human Race :D

I won't ask what they do for 24 quid
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Cut and blow dry alba.
I wish my hairdresser was as cheap as that. A basic cut and blow dry is £28.00 at the salon I use.
I just have mine cut for £12 and dry it myself..............
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Yeah daffy. I didn't think that was too expensive. What do you pay alba?
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You musn't have curly hair craft.
15 quid Chrissa (sorry pound sign gone awol again)
Question Author
Phwaw alba, that's good.
There are way more expensive salons around. I like mine, he's very good and I found him by accident.

I've just counted mentally that if I leave my house and go to my butchers (about 3 miles away) I pass at least 8 salons. 2 poundshops and 4 charity shops.
My daughter, an ex hairstylist, cuts mine for nowt and I wash it every morning in the shower. I use the wife's hair-dryer to dry it. I do pay for the electric used.
dry cut-£7,99
cut and blow dry-£10.95
they give a drilliant cut,i'm very happy with them.
I used to pay £12 when I lived in N Yorkshire, now I pay £48.
thank God I'ma bloke £8 for a hair cut once every two months

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