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Do you own a Samsung TV?

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WF8MAN | 04:02 Thu 23rd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Every time I switch my Samsung LCD TV on, I get this rather noisy Fanfare sound! Could anybody tell me how to disable it? So far, I've had no luck with the menu! This is especially annoying when you switch it on in the middle of the night.


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I have the Samsung tv and have the starting melody but don't think there is any way to disable it . I quite like it but as you say it annoys you in the night I would suggest writing to Samsung. Only other way I would suggest is make sure your sound is turned down before you switch off.
wendilla - you might want to look at this later thread http://www.theanswerb.../Question1108788.html (but no guarantees)
I have a Samsung, and yes it is blooming annoying!
I do, but it doesn't.....
Was my son's before he moved, so happen he fettled it.

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Do you own a Samsung TV?

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