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micmak | 22:34 Wed 22nd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
86 Answers
I listened to Evian this afternoon and thought, if your only worry in this world is people spelling your name wrong you are in a sad place. People often put the letter S on the end of my surname. So what. On the other hand Mrs MM is having trouble with her pension because of the difference of two Christian names. You would think her National Insurance number would suffice. Apparently not. It sounds to me that they are trying to get out of paying. Mrs MM is made of strong stuff, she won't let it go.


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Come on then Ed, you know how the 'team' feels? Mics got his issues, think he likes to talk about and hopefully uses the support, reinstate Mic asap
ladybirder - sons...not son.
Oh how terrible Ummmm. What can you say to that. I must have remembered it wrong then. Perhaps I'm having a senior moment as well.
maybe its just a suspension of the make you take some time out variety I sometimes think they should have a fixed time say 3 hours mini suspension to take the heat out of some threads like a sin binning in Rugby with an automatic reinstatement at the end of the period
Mic appears to be no longer suspended. Maybe he hasn't noticed, or just isn't bothered.
micmak seems to be unsuspended... I imagine it was just a chill-out overnight suspension by some mod who thought it was prompting unnecessary bickering. Which it was.

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