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Im really surprised that people

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Purple_Popple | 21:32 Thu 23rd Feb 2012 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
still have 'relationships' these days, when all I ever seem to hear are my friends saying a potential partner was too clingy, needy, controlling, obsessive, commitment-phobe etc..its too much like hardwork ! What are other people's thoughts about dating and/or embarking on a new relationship ? How do you know when to call it a relationship ?


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I think when it's right you know it's right. Whilst I'm all for ' working' at relationships in tems of not being a selfish git etc, you should have enough in sync not to have to bend over backwards anywhere but in the bedroom ;-)
A relationship occurs when you both want to be together most of the time as far as I'm concerned, which should be easy and natural. I hate all this cr4p about how many times a week you call somone and what it all means- just go with the flow and enjoy.
I'm very happy in my relationship :-)
Its the "me" society at work. Whatever happened to "give and take"
Sounds like a true cynic to me. I think when you've experienced it properly just the once you've got the model to judge all others from, and if people settle for second/third/etc best, or don't take much care in sifting out certain qualities until they begin driving you crazy instead of looking for them before getting involved etc then many of these problems would hardly happen. People with issues are going to be trouble whoever they meet and would be better off sorting themselves out rather than imposing themselves on less experienced partners who tend to put up with all sorts than walk out. But the problems never change the nature of the true aim which will always be recognised when attained.

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Im really surprised that people

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